Saturday 23 April 2016

Media Evaluation - Question 4

Due to difficulties with embedded this answer, the link below should take you to my answer for question four.

Friday 11 March 2016

Shooting Schedule

Below is a picture of the shooting schedule my partner and I created together. It identifies the date, time and location, who is involved with the filming, what equipment was used, what costumes were worn and at the bottom what shots we aimed to achieved on particular days.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Adele's Official Website

As part of our ancillary tasks, we had to create an official website for the artist we had used for our music video. We recreated Adele's 'When We Were Young' and designed a website of information about the artist, up and coming tour dates, pictures and videos. The link is below:

Friday 4 March 2016

Ancillary Task: CD Case and Insert Booklet

Below are pictures of our completed CD case along with the insert booklet. After weeks of working out how to use the editing software and different templates we have a finished product which would be used to sell of the album along with the single we created a music video for.

 This is the front of the insert booklet, we decided to keep it the same as the front cover of the CD case so it continues a similar theme.

 This is back cover of the album. It has a list of the songs from the album and the background is a significant screen grab from the music video for 'When We Were Young'.
This is the album cover, we decided to use of shot of the 'artist' so the audience would able to engage with who the album belonged to.

 This is the back of the insert booklet, we thought this would look quite effective as it is a shot from behind and it represents the love that we want to convey in the music video.

 This is the inside of the insert booklet, the background is photos of the artist and it includes credits to the people who made the album happen.

Finally, this is the spine of the album case, it simply says the name of the artist and the name of the album which is '25'.

Final CD Cover and Insert Booklet

 This is the front of our CD cover. It has the name of the artist and the title of the album.

This is the back of our CD cover which states all of the songs of the album.

This is the insert booklet for the CD cover which has all of the credits to people who were able to make the album possible.

This is the front and back cover of the insert booklet.

Finished Product

After weeks and weeks of filming and editing, we have completed our music video of Adele's 'When We Were Young'.

(A video will be posted shortly once we have resolved the issue of copyright and YouTube allows us to upload it)

Monday 29 February 2016

Difficulties When Filming...

With our music video being close to being completed and a lot of editing taking place, it has definitely not been the smoothest creation of a music video. My partner and I definitely faced some challenges, and I think we were both shocked at how hard it is to make a music video.

After deciding on our initial ideas, we soon realised that this would not be enough to fill the four and half minute song that we had decided to go with. Therefore, on several occasions we had to hire out more and equipment and film more footage. Having to continue filming on the week leading up to our deadline definitely panicked us and was not something we had originally planned to do, but we have pulled it off, and are now focusing on getting the editing finished in the last few days we have left.

Managing the time and having a free schedule the same as my partner was a challenge as we both have different commitments and jobs etc... meant that we on multiple occasions we had to go home or to the location we filmed at alone, and film parts of our music video on our own with help from family members. However we managed to complete our music video by doing this and our own unique skills are included within the product.  

From what we have edited so far, I am very proud with the outcome. It is not perfect and still requires a few extra touches to make it more effective, but I definitely excited about what me and my partner have produced.

A blog post with the finished video will be posted shortly.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Editing Update- Beginning the filming process

This week, we have started filming our music video, after weeks of preparation, it is finally going to come to life and be something we can watch in a few weeks time.

We decided to start off by filming a few shots of myself, who will be acting as Adele in the music video, just to see what looks good and to get an idea of how we should film the performance parts of our music video. After this session of filming, we decided that none of the shots are what we are looking for, and that a different idea will need to be used. But this experience was useful to kick start the process and to become creative with our initial ideas.

Therefore, I am going to take a camera and other pieces of filming equipment home with me over the weekend to film the performance pieces which will fit throughout different points of the video. It is important that these pieces are shot properly so they look effective and look realistic as if I am Adele singing the song herself. At this point, my partner and I will have to film at different times and in many cases, solo due to busy schedules, but we will rejoin to view the footage together and to edit the video as a pair too.

More updates are to follow.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Risk Assessment

Here are the photos for our risk assessment form, my partner and I created a joint risk assessment form as it applies to our work that we did as a group.

 It highlights all relevant information about our filming and what could be a possible risk for myself or any other people who we have asked to film with.