Sunday 24 January 2016

Editing Update- Beginning the filming process

This week, we have started filming our music video, after weeks of preparation, it is finally going to come to life and be something we can watch in a few weeks time.

We decided to start off by filming a few shots of myself, who will be acting as Adele in the music video, just to see what looks good and to get an idea of how we should film the performance parts of our music video. After this session of filming, we decided that none of the shots are what we are looking for, and that a different idea will need to be used. But this experience was useful to kick start the process and to become creative with our initial ideas.

Therefore, I am going to take a camera and other pieces of filming equipment home with me over the weekend to film the performance pieces which will fit throughout different points of the video. It is important that these pieces are shot properly so they look effective and look realistic as if I am Adele singing the song herself. At this point, my partner and I will have to film at different times and in many cases, solo due to busy schedules, but we will rejoin to view the footage together and to edit the video as a pair too.

More updates are to follow.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Risk Assessment

Here are the photos for our risk assessment form, my partner and I created a joint risk assessment form as it applies to our work that we did as a group.

 It highlights all relevant information about our filming and what could be a possible risk for myself or any other people who we have asked to film with.